
Five crucial years

The new European governance: not just two groups hammering things out, but four. And Italy still has to name its Commissioner

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and Luxembourg’s Prime Minister Xavier Bettel in Brussels. REUTERS/Yves Herman/Contrast

The new European governance: not just two groups hammering things out, but four. And Italy still has to name its Commissioner

After all, the belaboured recent process of appointing the five European ‘Top Jobs’, meaning the presidents of the Commission, Parliament, EU Council, the ECB and the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy reveals the problems the European nomenclature is having to face. Unlike 2014 everything has got that much harder following the collapse of the traditional People’s Party- Socialist duopoly. The Europarliamentary majority now includes allies such as ALDE and the Greens, thus complicating the puzzle surrounding the appointments with four groups rather than two now involved. Firstly, the “spitzenkandidaten” method by which the political forces used to choose the candidates, and which in 2014 led to Jean-Claude Juncker being appointed Commission President, this time didn’t work as hoped. The EPP candidate, Manfred Weber, despite collecting the most votes, did not gain the support of the socialists and liberals and is certainly not in the French President Emmanuel Macron’s good books. The appointment puzzle has therefore become a proxy battle between the Liberal Macron and the German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who sponsored the People’s candidate Weber all the way. On the night of the summer solstice, between June 20 and 21, an informal meeting at the bar of the Hotel Amigo in Brussels between Macron, Merkel, Italian prime minister Giuseppe Conte and the Luxembourg Prime Minister Xavier Bettel drew a blank. Around four in the morning Bettel cut to the chase: “but we already have an ideal candidate for the Commission who could hold her own against Trump and Xi and that’s you Angela”. The German Chancellor, despite the late hour, laughed wryly and cut him dead: “let’s talk about reality, not fantasy”.

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