
The new European Parliament

Never before have the voices represented in the EU Parliament been so varied: this broad assembly can encourage all voters to feel more european

Former UK Prime Minister Theresa May with european leaders, Salzburg. REUTERS/Lisi Niesner/Contrast

Never before have the voices represented in the EU Parliament been so varied: this broad assembly can encourage all voters to feel more european

This combination of unprecedented characteristics supports a wide number of interpretations. For optimists, this parliament has greater legitimacy, because it results from a larger turnout. It has greater representativeness, because it includes a wider range of voices. It is more encompassing, because it distributes political power more evenly across the ideological spectrum. And it is more transparent, because any majority will be the result of multi-party negotiations and not the same pattern of back-room horse-trading that characterized relations between the Christian- and Social Democrats.

Pessimists take an altogether different view. They underscore that any increase in turnout has more to do with the polarization in national politics than with anything connected to the legislative responsibilities of the European Parliament. As a result, the European Parliament is more fragmented and so also harder to manage in the conduct of its electoral mandate. The promise of pre-electoral transparency that was associated with the appointment of the Spitzenkandidat from the largest political group as President of the European Commission has most likely come to an end. Instead, the European Parliament will rely on complex coalition bargains across heterogenous political groups. This sounds less like representation and transparency than an opportunity for mainstream political elites from larger countries to exercise a condominium in alliance with the heads of state and government in the European Council.

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