
A meaningful Conference on the Future of Europe

Straddling the generations of today and those of tomorrow: a student of EWEI's Model EU dreams of the next Conference on the Future of Europe

Straddling the generations of today and those of tomorrow: a student of EWEI’s Model EU dreams of the next Conference on the Future of Europe

At first envisioned as a simple community of coal miners and steelworkers, the European Union has become, in less than a century, a bastion of security for citizens and migrants, a public square of ideas for researches and entrepreneurs and a cornerstone for international trade and democracy. Encompassing today more than 446 million of inhabitants, spanning over 4 million square kilometres and 27 member countries, having 24 official languages and being the world’s third largest economythe EU has truly become, in the words of Jean Monnet (one of the EU’s founding fathers), a place “beyond differences and geographical boundaries [wherein] lies a common interest”.

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