
Italy calls on Europe

EU and WHO: interview with Nathalie Chaze, from the DG Sante

Giuseppe Scognamiglio interviewed Nathalie Chaze, from the Health and Food Safety Directorate General at the European Commission

Namibia: Germany recognized the genocide of Herero and Nama tribes

Germany officially assumed responsibility for the genocide in Namibia during the colonial era. Now Herero and Nama demand the restitution of the stolen lands and the return to the ancient wealth

The future of Milan, European city

Today Milan needs to have a large and active debate about its future, above and beyond architectural and infrastructural issues

Montenegro marks 15 years of independence

On May 21st 2006, the referendum results marked the Montenegro’s devotion to break the chains of past and to finally reach the Euro-Atlantic dream

A meaningful Conference on the Future of Europe

Straddling the generations of today and those of tomorrow: a student of EWEI’s Model EU dreams of the next Conference on the Future of Europe

Elections in Albania: interview with Oresja Bace

Albanians will go to the polls on Sunday (25 April). Matteo Meloni interviewed Oresja Bace, candidate for a seat in the Parliament with the Social Democratic Party of Albania, who took part in the Eastwest European Institute Online Model EU of November 2020 and is participating in the next WiP Study Mission in Brussels


Why Russia’s Economy is still doing well

Environmental Sustainability Within Private Companies

Environmental Sustainability Within Private Companies

Singapore: Who Is Lawrence Wong

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