
A European blackout: fact, fiction or… inbetween?

Last month, news spread about possible blackouts in Europe. This set off alarm bells all across Europe and left people wondering whether their future holds no light, no warm water and no heating. This raises the question if and how the EU and its member states are managing the upcoming energy transition

The news of a plausible power outage is spreading across Europe after Austrian Defence Minister Tanner said it’s only a matter of time before a blackout will occur. Therefore Austria launched a massive poster campaign to warn its people and initiated emergency simulations. The word propagated through tens of smaller online news channels creating quite an uproar in some European countries: in Spain, gas bottles and camping equipment got sold-out in November, requiring Ecological Transition Minister Ribera to intervene and calm citizens’ nerves. Although the motives of these scaremongers might be sincere, a perspective of an energetically independent Europe using existing green alternatives could be a more optimistic approach rather than unleashing fear and anxiety.

Managing the transition pace

However, the fears for future energy shortages are not completely caught out of thin air. During the upcoming energy transition, two main obstacles will undermine the European Green Deal goals. The most pertinent one will be managing the transition pace towards the 55% greenhouse reduction target by 2030 and climate neutrality by 2050. Phasing out (or down) fossil fuels inevitably involves a decrease in natural gas imports from third countries. Nonetheless, maintaining healthy relationships, especially with Russia which comprises 9% of the total European energy mix, is needed to secure a steady energy supply for the time being. The second challenge is inherent to most renewable energy sources. Even when clean energy production meets the integral energy demand, shortages will occur during consumption peak and trough production moments. Therefore, investing in the expansion of the EU energy grid and storage capacity from excess energy production in the form of hydrogen and pumped-storage hydroelectricity will prove to be crucial and have been included in the EU Taxonomy for sustainable activities. Moreover, the outdated European targets on energy grid interconnectivity set in 2014 should be revised on a national level.

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