
Blockade of Ukraine’s ports and the possible food crisis

With the war in Ukraine, most ports have been closed, seriously affecting exports. Millions of tons of wheat and corn are waiting to be shipped all over the world. 44 milion people are at risk of famine, the World Food Programme warns

The war between Russia and Ukraine is being fought on the vast plains that separate the two countries. Precisely on those territories dedicated to the agriculture of wheat, of which Kiev is one of the world’s largest exporters. However, the military war has also moved to the sea, to the ports, sensitive targets and therefore among the first places to be bombed. There, raw materials are usually embarked for distribution all over the world. However, from the Ukrainian coast, ships have not been sailing now since 24 February. Closed ports prevent raw materials from leaving the Black Sea. There is no way out by sea, from Mariupol to Chornomorsk and Odessa, the country’s largest port, which in 2021 saw 675,000 TEUs (the standard units of maritime transport) pass through.

The blockade of most Ukrainian Black Sea ports has serious consequences for the supply of grain and other raw materials to other parts of the world. The situation is particularly serious in Odessa, the largest and most important Ukrainian port on the Black Sea, where it is estimated that millions of tons of wheat and maize are crammed in, waiting to be shipped all over the world. As announced a few days ago by David Beasley, Executive Director of the World Food Programme (WFP), the risk is a global famine, with an even more disastrous impact in countries already experiencing a serious humanitarian crisis. To give an idea of the consequences, it is sufficient to say that in the eight months before the war began, the more than 50 million tons of grain transited through these ports served to feed some 400 million people. While the grain silos remain full, 44 million people globally are heading for starvation, with the largest increase in this figure in sub-Saharan Africa, according to the WFP.

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