
Busting the ‘Lord of War’

Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout spent nearly 20 years building up a gun-running empire that eventually saw him involved in most of the world’s wars, particularly in Africa. He supplied governments and their sworn enemies with amoral precision. The 2005 film “Lord of War” was based on his exploits. But Bout’s luck ran out when he was arrested during a U.S.-managed sting operation in Bangkok. Despite Russian, protests, Thailand recently extradited him to the U.S. where he faces the prospect of a life sentence.

Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout spent nearly 20 years building up a gun-running empire that eventually saw him involved in most of the world’s wars, particularly in Africa. He supplied governments and their sworn enemies with amoral precision. The 2005 film “Lord of War” was based on his exploits. But Bout’s luck ran out when he was arrested during a U.S.-managed sting operation in Bangkok. Despite Russian, protests, Thailand recently extradited him to the U.S. where he faces the prospect of a life sentence.


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Messaggi: Steel That Binds

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