
Catalonia thinks about going single

 A tax revolt in the prosperous Spanish region has become a powerful secessionist movement that’s challenging the government.

 A tax revolt in the prosperous Spanish region has become a powerful secessionist movement that’s challenging the government.

It was impressive, especially if seen from the sky in the helicopter feed endlessly rebroadcast by regional media. On 11 September 2013 hundreds of thousands of Catalans calling for secession from Spain held hands in a 480 kilometer human chain running from the Pyrenees to the south of the region. The massive demonstration took place on the Catalan national holiday, la Diada, which commemorates the fall of Barcelona to Bourbon troops in 1714 during the War of Spanish Succession. As is usual for separatist events, the chain was formed at 5:14 pm, that is, at 17.14 hrs military time.

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