

Coronavirus, keep calm!

In a climate in which it is difficult to navigate, between fake news and incomplete or contradictory news, we analysts of international politics focus on economic and social impacts. The experience of previous global epidemics tells us that, once the current emergency is reduced, the economic rebound is immediate. For a fragile economy like Italy, the damage will be more difficult to remedy

Steve Bannon: dialogue with the Devil [Part 4]

Why should we choose between America and China? The answer, for Steve Bannon, is simple. America is not a murderous dictatorship

Steve Bannon: dialogue with the Devil [Part 3]

As an advocate for no deal, Bannon is convinced that the UK will have no problems after Brexit

Steve Bannon: dialogue with the Devil [Part 2]

For Trump’s guru, Republicans are the only ones fighting illegal immigration in US

Steve Bannon: dialogue with the Devil [Part 1]

Donald Trump’s guru shares his vision of the world. But it doesn’t persuade us…


AfCFTA: African Internal Trade Awakening

Food System and Migration

Why Russia’s Economy is still doing well

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