
East 51

Tankers bring energy, bulk carriers bring food

The sea’s bounty includes wheat, meat and even Aussie beer

Lights out for lighthouses

GPS technology has condemned the lighthouse, and the lighthouse keeper, to extinction

The Danube, bluer than ever

The river, Europe’s ‘aorta’, crosses ten countries and both separates and unites East and West

Punishing pirates

Fighting the new buccaneers is difficult, taking them to trial, a nightmare

Northeast Passage

 The icy Artic shipping route above Russia may be warming, but sailing it takes a stout heart

Cross-training for diplomats

Diplomats, the combatants who “conduct war by other means” – von Clausewitz’s famous dictum logically cuts both ways – need physical as well as mental discipline

Dropping a card

 Formal calling cards once allowed diplomats and officials who detested one another to maintain warm relations.

Shared violence keeps the peace

 Two researchers at Oxford show that, between nations as between mafiosi, blackmail is the tie that binds.

Animal nationality

 Citizenship for humans is not much older than the French Revolution – and we’re already granting it to animals.

An imitation of life and man

 Humanoid robots will be living in our homes and taking care of us sooner than we think.


Environmental Sustainability Within Private Companies

Environmental Sustainability Within Private Companies

Singapore: Who Is Lawrence Wong

Brazil Suffers From Climate Change

rivista di geopolitica, geopolitica e notizie dal mondo