

China and EU on CAI: an uncomprehensive agreement

The EU-China relationship is complex. Differences and common interests make them partners but even rivals and competitors

Russia-Ukraine (peace) talks

Has Russia guaranteed its hegemony over European energy?

As the Russian economy takes a beating due to sanctions and the costs of war, Moscow can rest easy knowing its continued dominance over European energy is all but inevitable

Is the EU in need of its own European Army besides NATO?

The military attack on Ukraine by Putin raises the question if the time has come to create an independent EU Army. Underfunded national armed forces and latest actions (or rather missing actions) by NATO fuel the endorsement

Western sanctions and the weaponization of finance will not save Ukraine

As Ukraine pays the ultimate price in the Russo-American feud, NATO fails in all its grand promises for peace and security

Geopolitical realities clash with Western idealism as Russia invades Ukraine

The Russo-Ukrainian war has demonstrated that the realities of national-security eclipse democratic idealism and economic interests

Why people come out to protest? Talking to protesters in London

People from all over the world have gathered outside Downing Street and in Trafalgar Square to scream, sing, cry, and show that they do care about the future of Ukraine. Here are some of their comments

The challenges and risks of the European Green Deal

The geopolitical consequences of climate change and the European response seen through the worried eyes of three students of Eastwest European Institute’s Model EU course

NATO in Ukraine and the energy crisis in Europe

The EU and Russia seem to be walking into a crisis that may prove difficult to resolve diplomatically as tensions over Ukraine rise and the European energy crisis has no end in sight

The EU race to climate neutrality

In the transition to a greener EU, there are countries leading the way, like Sweden. Yet, among those who find themselves in the middle of the race, it is valuable to examine France and Italy


Environmental Sustainability Within Private Companies

Environmental Sustainability Within Private Companies

Singapore: Who Is Lawrence Wong

Brazil Suffers From Climate Change

Xi Jinping: The Trip To Europe

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