

Salvini shoots himself in the foot

The leader of the League, who was approaching 40% of consensus and climbing, trips up on his own ego and his provincial attitude and sees his ratings wane relentlessly

Europe for Europeans

Interview with the president of the European Parliament, David Sassoli: the responsibility for addressing the challenge posed by sovereigntism and nationalism must be faced together with the citizens, as were the elections

Statement on the European Parliament’s confirmation procedure concerning Sylvie Goulard

Our director Giuseppe Scognamiglio co-signed an appeal to the European institutions on Sylvie Goulard’s case

The Europe of Maastricht

With Federica Mogherini we go through the recent history of the European integration process. We will find out things we did not know…

Brexit and the British

Brexit seems to be a never-ending saga. Who is ready for the final season?

A conference on the Future of Europe

European Union could become capable of responding to the challenges of our time. A hope for us and for the future generations

Asylum-seekers: a burden or a sign of solidarity?

A French student talks about his experience in the “Model European Union” simulation, held by the Eastest European Institute in Paris (April 2019) and in Brussels (May 2019)

An italian comedy

Despite the differences between our two Matthews, Renzi and Salvini, they have one thing in common: the tendency to use Europe as a scapegoat. And yet, isn’t Brussels precisely the place where we should start to relaunch our country?

The new European Parliament

Never before have the voices represented in the EU Parliament been so varied: this broad assembly can encourage all voters to feel more european

Volt Europe: a more inclusive policy

Pan-European e progressive. The most clicked posts of the young Andrea Venzon’s movement Volt


Environmental Sustainability Within Private Companies

Environmental Sustainability Within Private Companies

Singapore: Who Is Lawrence Wong

Brazil Suffers From Climate Change

Xi Jinping: The Trip To Europe

rivista di geopolitica, geopolitica e notizie dal mondo