

For Refugees, No Direction Home

Though Sweden has long been among the most even-handed European states in regard to Iraqi refugees, it has started thinking twice.

Afghanistan. The “Defeated” Winners

As the United states prepares to pull out of Afghanistan, President Barack Obama, facing november reelection, continues hedging his bets on just how involved his country intends to be in Kabul’s future.

A Cautious Approach

Despite recent violence, the future of U.S. Middle East policy will depend on a careful assessment of events in at least a dozen regional states.

On the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown

The  enduring  duel  between  Palestine  and  Israel is  taking  a  back  seat  to  civil  war  in  Syria  and institutional change in Egypt, but both are likely to  have  an  impact  on  what  remains  the  Middle East’s most troubling issue.

Enemies Become Friends

Longtime  enemies,  Greece  and  Turkey  are  gradually  developing  lasting  practical  bonds  that  may actually help Athens escape the worst of the euro crisis.

Palestine: The End of a Dream?

COLUMN The creation of a Palestinian state seems to have fallen onto a backburner, with extremism and apathy hindering forward progress.

Make peace not love

INTERVIEW Acclaimed Israeli author Amos Oz says the two-state model is the only solution to the Israel-Palestinian problem, if only both sides would learn to compromise.

The Fire Inside

Israel’s brutal summer temperatures and widespread brushfires cut deeper than just the tone of the weather.

Algeria’s Boom Remains Incomplete

Algeria has largely resisted Arab Spring winds. Instead, it has been busy building up oil reserves and cash, to the point that the IMF has asked it for a loan. But beneath this apparently tranquil surface, many complain women’s rights have been ignored and are growing skeptical that longtime President Bouteflika Abdelziz has any interest in substantive social  and political change.

Lebanon’s Name is Hezbollah

When Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah speaks, the country listens raptly. Though his exact whereabouts remain a mystery, Nasrallah and his party are exerting an ever-growing role both in Lebanon and in the region.


Environmental Sustainability Within Private Companies

Environmental Sustainability Within Private Companies

Singapore: Who Is Lawrence Wong

Brazil Suffers From Climate Change

Xi Jinping: The Trip To Europe

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