

Europe in Overtime

To revive markets and extricate itself from the debt crisis, Europe must embrace cogent, long-term solutions starting with the centralizing of fiscal policy and the handing over of individual state sovereignty on economic matters to Brussels. 

An Open Letter to India

Is the Indian boom finished? The country’s growth index was recently pegged at its lowest level in a decade. The fiscal year ending in March saw growth drop off 6.5 percent, down 8.4 percent from 2011. Worst hit have been the manufacturing, mining and agricultural sectors.

Western Shore

Spain loans show a different approach.

The Brownness That Endures

The colors of streets and sky are unchanged, but years of war have left their mark. In 1995, it was under assault by the Taliban. Some 20 years later Afghanistan struggles to find anything resembling peace and stability. Some streets have a modern look, but the brownness of dust and mud is unchanged.

Merkel’s Moment of Truth

The deeper the euro crisis, the more precarious the position of incumbent German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who as a result of a Socialist victory in France is facing increasingly bold criticism from the Social Democratic Party and the Greens.   

Cambodia Reckons With the Past

Long deprived of information about the details of the genocidal Pol Pot regime and its 1970s atrocities, Cambodian youth is finally being given a portal into its “killing fields” history.

The Journalist as Refugee

Thanks to the Berlin office of Reporters Sans Frontieres, a number of Syrian and Iranian reporters have managed to find refuge from persecution in Germany. Though stories they have to tell are chilling, they still miss home.

Old Borders New Nostalgia

While women strip and gamblers gamble in Slovenia’s bustling Nova Gorica, residents of neighboring Gorizia, in Italy, rue two decades of missed chances.

China Wheels Within Wheels

Understanding what makes China tick demands a careful examination of how current leaders came to be where they are today. Such a look suggests that outgoing Communist Party General Secretary Hu Juntao, who will step down in October, has successfully put members of the Young Communist League in a position to succeed and thrive.

Inside Voices- Surviving Greece

Aside from the doom and gloom of numbers, Greek society is on the verge of something considerably more serious than a nervous breakdown. Sucides are up and despair a constant.


Environmental Sustainability Within Private Companies

Environmental Sustainability Within Private Companies

Singapore: Who Is Lawrence Wong

Brazil Suffers From Climate Change

Xi Jinping: The Trip To Europe

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