

The Deportation of Migrants From the UK to Rwanda Is a Reality

Rwanda will receive considerable funding in exchange for its availability: 240 million pounds have already been allocated to the Kigali government, which covers part of the expenses related to the deported people but which also finances the development of the country.

There has been fighting in Sudan for exactly one year

Peace in Sudan is not in sight and the country seems to have fallen off the international radar. The UN counts 14,600 deaths, in addition to 8.5 million displaced people. The food emergency is upon us and at least half a million new victims are announced.

Military Coup in Niger: What is Happening and What is the Impact on Europe

On the 26th of July 2023, a coup d’état has taken place in Niger. The consequences are still not fully known, however, it is clear that this event could have a significant impact on the stability of the European Union and on the Russian War.

Benghazi, from The Civil War to A Reconstruction Plan

Conversation with the director of the Benghazi Salam Center, Faraj Najem, on Benghazi reconstruction plan, recently approved by the Municipality and presented on June 17.

Libya: China’s Economic Diplomacy

While the outcome of the conflict remains uncertain, China maintains its strategic neutrality and moves Libya closer to its economic orbit. Beijing’s agenda remains primarily economic and related to the BRI projects development.

Sudan’s three days ceasefire: details and reasons of the truce

The African state of Sudan has been the theatre of a civil conflict since the 15th of April 2021. Having the living conditions in the country worsened significantly due to the outbreak of the war, foreign states have decided to intervene in order to facilitate negotiations and save their citizens.

Chinese engagement in Africa and the human rights’ issue

The Chinese attitude toward human rights and the high number of autocratic regimes in Africa have led to rising concerns about the effect that China is having on the respect of human rights on the continent.

Ghana: the political impact of the economic crisis

Ghana is highly dependent on Ukraine for food and on Russia for a consistent part of its energy resources. The country has been considerably affected by the price surge of said products.

Djibouti: the Berlin of the New Cold War?

The little-known quasi-microstate, strategically located in front of the southern counterpart of the Suez Canal, the Bab al-Mandab Strait, has become the only country with direct military interface between the United States and China.

What Kenya tells us about the influence of Chinese media in Africa

Chinese companies and investments are becoming increasingly relevant in Africa’s media sector. This trend is consistent with Beijing’s broader strategy for enhancing its soft power in the African continent


Environmental Sustainability Within Private Companies

Environmental Sustainability Within Private Companies

Singapore: Who Is Lawrence Wong

Brazil Suffers From Climate Change

Xi Jinping: The Trip To Europe

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