

Karelia, Kola Peninsula: the importance of northern territories for Russia

From Finland, NATO forces would be able to threaten Russian military infrastructure in the Kola Peninsula and the arctic region, estimated to be one of the most nuclearized regions of the world

Chinese youth from the origins to Xi Jinping’s era

On the 100th anniversary of the Communist Youth League’s founding, Xi Jinping started his important speech underlining how “youth gives rise to infinite hope, and young people are the creators of a bright future”

Qatar’s soft power: creating the image of an open and peaceful country

Despite its position and size, Qatar has managed to punch above its weight on many regional matters and pursue a balanced and independent foreign policy

What lies behind Cardinal Zen’s arrest?

On May 11th, Hong Kong witnessed the arrest of a number of civil society and opposition figures, including Cardinal Joseph Zen, accused of having violated the China’s national security law

Lights and shadows in Pakistan’s political turmoil

The origins of the massive political crisis, which led to the Prime Minister Imran Khan’s dismissal, are numerous and have been unfolding for weeks

What’s going on in Sri Lanka?

Three years after a terrorist assault that was deemed one of the world’s most horrific disasters, Sri Lanka is once again facing a deep crisis and widespread instability

No business as usual for Russia? The international community is divided

Despite the Western efforts, Russia still plays a role as an international protagonist on the world stage, and the U.S. call to stop offering “business as usual for Russia in international institutions” is struggling to be heard by the majority of the international community

Hong Kong, a sheriff as Chief Executive?

On May 8, after a postponement due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Hongkongers will have a new city’s governor who, most likely, will be John Lee, whose notoriety has been central for promoting Hong Kong’s extradition bill

Algeria is expected to become Italy’s top gas supplier

Last Monday the Italian government signed an agreement with the Algerian government to increase the supply of natural gas starting from the next months. What are the possible implications of this agreement within the Mediterranean area?

The tunisian crisis between populism and authoritarianism

In order to understand the current institutional and democratic crisis in Tunisia, it is necessary to trace a few steps back


Environmental Sustainability Within Private Companies

Environmental Sustainability Within Private Companies

Singapore: Who Is Lawrence Wong

Brazil Suffers From Climate Change

Xi Jinping: The Trip To Europe

rivista di geopolitica, geopolitica e notizie dal mondo