

International law and global institutions: effective means in the fight against Putin?

The suspension of Russia from the UN Human Rights Council constitutes another international response to Putin’s war crimes. But Russia’s veto power continues to hinder the UN Security Council. Does international law only include symbolic value, a lack of consensus and no legally binding power?

Enter the Red Dragon: the port of Piraeus as China’s gateway to the Mediterranean

The Chinese investment in Piraeus has been challenging the geopolitical equilibrium in Europe. However, will European leaders be strong enough to balance the need of a trade partnership with China and the safeguard of political, environmental and economic stability?

Afghanistan, Talibans banned girls from returning to school

On March 23, the first day of the school year in Afghanistan, secondary schools for girls did not reopen. The international reaction is immediate, funding and donations are at risk. Today the UN conference on humanitarian assistance to the country

EU and China between CAI and human rights. A test for the future trajectory

A result of the new perspective created by “The EU-China 2020 Strategic Agenda” is represented by the Comprehensive Agreement on Investment, a proposed investment deal between China and EU

China and EU on CAI: an uncomprehensive agreement

The EU-China relationship is complex. Differences and common interests make them partners but even rivals and competitors

War in Ukraine: where does the Middle East stand?

The war has brought to light the divergence of interests between some States in the Middle East and the West. The aim of this article is to analyse how these different positions might redraw geopolitical balances

Tunisia, the road to democracy. Scars from the past and path for the future

Back from a Study Mission organized by the Eastwest European Institute, a group of students report on Tunisia today

China observes the conflict in Ukraine with contempt but learns the lesson with pleasure

While on the one hand China condemns the Russian-Ukrainian conflict in ambiguous terms, on the other hand it learns essential lessons that one day could be handy

Has Russia guaranteed its hegemony over European energy?

As the Russian economy takes a beating due to sanctions and the costs of war, Moscow can rest easy knowing its continued dominance over European energy is all but inevitable

Western sanctions and the weaponization of finance will not save Ukraine

As Ukraine pays the ultimate price in the Russo-American feud, NATO fails in all its grand promises for peace and security


Environmental Sustainability Within Private Companies

Environmental Sustainability Within Private Companies

Singapore: Who Is Lawrence Wong

Brazil Suffers From Climate Change

Xi Jinping: The Trip To Europe

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