
China: What Really Emerged from the XX Congress

In the end, what really emerged from the PCC XX Congress is that we are in the Xi Jinping's era  

China has definitely embraced the “one man’s rule”. As it was largely predicted, Xi Jinping has been invested of a third term, breaking the past rules and affirming as the most powerful man in the world. The XX Congress will be remembered as a turning point in Chinese politics, maybe for better or maybe for worse. The Chinese Conclave ended with a very peculiar scene: former president Hu Jintao was forced to leave the congress’ room before the end of the session. According to the official Xinhua news agency, Hu’s unexpected exit was due to ill health; no more information was given and, probably, we will never know the real truth. 

The Chinese Dream

Xi Jinping is in charge of refurbishing the Chinese dream. In the last period, due to the Zero Covid policy, economic issues (such as the real estate market crisis) and international instability, China has gone through tough times, not just for the economy but also for its internal stability. We witnessed a very unusual dynamic: people protesting loudly against the government because of its irrational management of the Pandemic; the last episode was right before the Congress, with large banners unfurled on a bridge in Beijing calling for a boycott and removal of Xi Jinping. 

One man’s rule

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