
What Kenya tells us about the influence of Chinese media in Africa

Chinese companies and investments are becoming increasingly relevant in Africa’s media sector. This trend is consistent with Beijing’s broader strategy for enhancing its soft power in the African continent

For the purpose of investigating the Chinese growing influence in Africa’s media sector, Kenya represents the perfect place. The country is today a crucial partner for China in Africa and one of the most vibrant media industries on the continent. The involvement of Chinese state media in Kenya began in 2004 when Xinhua, China’s news agency, decided to establish its African bureau headquarters in Nairobi. In 2006, it was the time for China Radio International (CRI) and for China Global Television Network (CGTN), China’s most important state-run television, which also settled down in Nairobi. Today, the presence of China in the continent is multi-platform: the China Daily is printed in Kenya and then distributed as an insert by local newspapers; on the radio, there is a partnership between the Kenya Broadcasting Corporation and China Radio International to share studios and programs; concerning the television, CGTN is a major player and has steadily improved its reach across Africa.

The increasing engagement of Chinese media in the Kenyan landscape testifies how this sector is considered crucial for improving mutual understanding and friendship between the two countries. But does this partnership involve more positive or negative aspects for Kenya?

Positive and negative consequences for Kenya

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