
Corruption in Ukraine makes the Maidan a distant memory

The Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project, OCCRP, has uncovered the "Ploshchadka system", a vortex of tax evasion and money laundering involving senior officials and top politicians in Kiev.

The Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project, OCCRP, has uncovered the “Ploshchadka system”, a vortex of tax evasion and money laundering involving senior officials and top politicians in Kiev.

The documents obtained by the OCCRP’s investigative journalists uncovered a network of offshore companies, real estate acquisitions and money transfers from Ukraine to many western countries. Rivers of money of unknown origin, hidden to the tax authorities. And behind it there are the same politicians and officials who are supposed to be building the new Ukraine: the country born from the ashes of the Maidan, the post-Yanukovich state that cost the blood of 108 protesters killed during the protests.

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