

Yet again, France is at the centre of European history, once more the arbiter of the fate of the integration process. In a few weeks, almost sixty million French will pronounce judgement on the ratification of the Constitution. The alternatives are clear: yes or no, in or out.

Yet again, France is at the centre of European history, once more the arbiter of the fate of the integration process. In a few weeks, almost sixty million French will pronounce judgement on the ratification of the Constitution. The alternatives are clear: yes or no, in or out.

Just like on 30 August 1954, when the Paris National Assembly’s vote caused the failure of the EDC (the European Defence Community), freezing the hopes for a political community for decades. Before that time, the project for European unification had made some progress and been the cause of many arguments and splits. At the height of the post-war period and reconstruction, ambitious prospects had taken shape around the idea of unification. Perhaps they were too ambitious in comparison with the level of maturation that had been reached in the meantime. There was a moment, between 1952 and 1953, when the founding fathers’ dream seemed about to come true. The United States of Europe were just around the corner. Then, the halt we all know about: because it had to block the march of political and defence integration, and develop, almost subordinately, around industrial and commercial policies, the Community abandoned its political ambitions and focused exclusively on the economy. History has shown, however, that vote was not the catastrophe for Europe that was feared. Without that setback we probably would not have been able to concentrate our best energies on the construction of the monetary Union or on the liberalisation of the internal market. And perhaps today the Community would have been a sort of smaller version of the European Council or a continental version of NATO.

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