

There certainly is no doubt that the European Union is currently in the throes of the biggest institutional crisis it has seen for some time. The refusal by the French and the Dutch to accept the European constitution draft, the failed EU summit in June and the fierce debate on the EU budget – all these factors clearly indicate that this is
indeed the case. Is the latest political turmoil likely to influence the process of cross-border company mergers, and will it prevent the formation of strong “European

There certainly is no doubt that the European Union is currently in the throes of the biggest institutional crisis it has seen for some time. The refusal by the French and the Dutch to accept the European constitution draft, the failed EU summit in June and the fierce debate on the EU budget – all these factors clearly indicate that this is
indeed the case. Is the latest political turmoil likely to influence the process of cross-border company mergers, and will it prevent the formation of strong “European


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