
Ejiao, the Chinese miracle gelatin decimating Africa’s donkeys

Over the last three years the donkeys in Africa have been decimated. The extermination of quadrupeds of burden stems from growing Chinese demand for their skin, which boiled and converted into gelatine, is the primary ingredient in the preparation of an ancient remedy:ejiao (ACC; donkey glue), which according to traditional Chinese medicine improves blood circulation and cures headaches, insomnia, dizziness, bleeding and dry coughs, as well as having anti-ageing properties.

The traditional Chinese remedy ejiao, which uses donkey gelatin Photo: Deadkid dk/Wikimedia Commons

Over the last three years the donkeys in Africa have been decimated. The extermination of quadrupeds of burden stems from growing Chinese demand for their skin, which boiled and converted into gelatine, is the primary ingredient in the preparation of an ancient remedy:ejiao (ACC; donkey glue), which according to traditional Chinese medicine improves blood circulation and cures headaches, insomnia, dizziness, bleeding and dry coughs, as well as having anti-ageing properties.

The use of Ejiao dates back some two thousand years, when its benefits were the exclusive preserve of the imperial family, while today it is extended to members of China’s burgeoning middle class.

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