
China and EU on CAI: an uncomprehensive agreement

The EU-China relationship is complex. Differences and common interests make them partners but even rivals and competitors

China and the European Union’s economy are deeply interconnected: while the former is the EU’s second biggest trading partner, the latter is China’s biggest one. Over the last 20 years, the foreign direct investment (FDI) flow from the EU to China touched €140 billion, while for China it was about €120. For these reasons, the Comprehensive Agreement on Investment is strongly relevant for the public debate even today, and while it is mainly focused on its ratification and the advantages or disadvantages for EU investors, it is also worth asking how the Chinese Public frames it.

Although CAI has been accepted with much rejoicing by Chinese media and publicly appealed as “EU-China Investment Agreement”, it has not yet received a concrete publication of its detailed design and broader information about its own stipulation either. Similarly, since the start of the negotiations in 2013, no more than 100 academic publications were released concerning the topics, many of them alongside the much more famous China’s Infrastructure Project (BRI). Nowadays, no daily newspaper such as People’s Daily or business magazine just as Caixin, has reported actual information provided regarding the complex details of the agreements, that from an external point of view seems to be no more than a celebratory example of great “success of multilateralism” for the CCP leadership.

CAI: not only money but also democracy and human rights

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