
History of EU environmental policies and Member States’ compliance

The EU is tackling the climate crisis by promoting sustainable development and the integration of environmental policies through some of its founding agreements

Since the dawning of the global environmental era in Western Europe, the European Community has employed legal and political instruments to counter environmental degradation. From the first – non binding – Environmental Action Programme in 1973 to the most recent Climate Law, it is clear that the EU is tackling the climate crisis to the best of its ability; by promoting sustainable development and the integration of environmental policies through some of its founding agreements.

The Maastricht Treaty further enhanced the environmental provisions of the Single European Act (1986), the earliest formal legal basis with a clear mandate for community environmental policy, marking a historic first. A decade later, the Amsterdam Treaty further extended the legislative authority of the European Parliament into environmental policy, ordaining the integration of sustainable development. Since the beginning of legislating climate policies, it is worth noting that the earliest mention of “climate change” as a term was only made with the amendment of the TFEU in 2008 in Art.192. Ever since then, “climate change” has been the main concern in the EU’s environmental legislation. Not only has the Union ratified the Paris Agreement,  which replaced the Kyoto Protocol of 1998, it has now most recently adopted a new regulation, referred to as Climate Law,  which aims to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions for EU countries as a whole, in compliance with the goals of the Paris Agreement. However, is climate neutrality really a goal that Member States are willing to invest into?

The Member States’ performance

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