
North vs. South: the forgotten crisis killing Europe

Europe, North vs. South: sharpened by the crisis of Covid-19, will the financial differences spark the demise of a politically unified Europe as we know it?

Europe, North vs. South: sharpened by the crisis of Covid-19, will the financial differences spark the demise of a politically unified Europe as we know it?

The 1999 inception of the eurozone forged a path for financial commonality within Europe, bolstering the persistent desires of peace and political unity following the continental carnage of the Second World War.  Whilst consequential in the movement toward a greater unified Europe, the divide between North and South would soon spell difficulty for the solidarity of the eurozone.  Such divergence can be historically accredited to the growth of the Industrial Revolution, emerging in the United Kingdom and spreading exponentially among Northern States (Figure 1). Industrial growth ushered in a new age of business, yet, for those on the ‘back foot,’ a lack of economic output would only entice trouble: higher unemployment, lower GDP, reduced industrial infrastructure and subsequently larger gross debt per percentage of GDP, contributing toward a more economically unstable South that continues to exist in Modern Europe (Figure 2). Without comparable infrastructure and economic strength, Southern Europe has been historically misplaced in terms of financial authority; whilst the much more frugal and commercial Northern States have emerged as a figure of control over the eurozone. Such imbalance can only exist for so long in any form of collective international community before they mount to a political and economic boiling point.

Figure 1. (Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc).

Figure 2 (European Institute).

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