
ECB, Christine Lagarde will save us from the virus

ECB, Christine Lagarde is hostage but she will save us from the virus. With its prudence, the European Central Bank keeps the bar straight. Despite the German Constitutional Court

The European Central Bank drew considerable fire for its early response to the economic crisis that erupted alongside the novel coronavirus pandemic.  In that sense, ECB President Christine Lagarde and her colleagues on the ECB’s Governing Council were all hostages to fortune.  No one had ever experienced the economic consequences of a global pandemic first-hand and so few had any real idea what to expect.  Between 12 March and 18 March, the scale of the crisis became apparent and both Lagarde and the Governing Council quickly changed tack to introduce an ever-widening array of unprecedented policy responses in order to blunt an economic shockwave that the economic staff at the ECB still relies on rough approximations to estimate.  By 30 April, it was already obvious that the Governing Council would need to do more, even if how much remains uncertain.

As the crisis drags on, however, it becomes ever clearer that Lagarde and her team are also hostages of a different sort. They are bound to achieve a policy aim without being given all the instruments they need to accomplish that objective. They are left without any promise of adequate support from other European institutions or member state governments. And they are prevented either from admitting defeat or from sharing political responsibility for any failure. As a result, the Governing Council has no choice but to improvise with the policy instruments at its disposal, even those such improvisations threaten to go beyond the ECB’s legal authority while at the same time attracting political attention that the institution was never designed to manage.

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