
5SM: death and resurrection?

From hunting zombies to running the country. The splatter “fan” must now act responsibly. The Salvini shock has led to a metamorphosis

The Minister of Foreign Affairs Luigi Di Maio. REUTERS/Max Rossi

From hunting zombies to running the country. The splatter “fan” must now act responsibly. The Salvini shock has led to a metamorphosis

“Let’s be rid of the fan within us”. So wrote Beppe Grillo on 4 October on his blog, 10 years on from the birth of the Five Star Movement and just before the annual rally in Naples. A statement by Grillo featured in a post celebrating the 5SM’s journey so far, including the alliance with Nicola Zingaretti’s Democratic Party (PD) (“a step in our evolution” according to the former comedian). And effectively the 5SM, compared to 2009, is doing its best to seem different, starting with its language: even Grillo no longer resorts to the kind of pulp rhetoric of its 2013 electoral campaign, which featured slogans predicting the Five Stars would soon oust all traditional parties (then termed the “walking dead”) and, believing in the principle “one is worth one”, would “open up parliament like a tin of tuna”. Nor does the 5SM, as the second Conte government sets sail, seem anything like the Movement that in spring 2013, during the Italian Presidential elections, before and after Bersani’s failed “scouting” attempts, assembled outside the Parliament square with a menacing attitude.

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