
How its leadership is failing

While dreaming of becoming the pan-African gas hub and unseating the leadership of Egypt and Libya in North Africa, the country today is in dire trouble.

While dreaming of becoming the pan-African gas hub and unseating the leadership of Egypt and Libya in North Africa, the country today is in dire trouble.

Last  February,  the second largest shopping centre in the Magreb opened in Alge- ria: 45,000m² of shops,  bars, restaurants (even a skating rink), all in Sétif, a city of just 290,000, east of Algiers. Unsurprisingly, Algerian giant Prombati was behind the large in- vestment. In a 2012 report, Deloitte included Algeria among the five African nations with the largest mid- dle class relative to its overall popu- lation. And over the last ten years, the annual per capita Algerian wage (based on purchasing power parity) has continued to grow, from 11,400 dollars (€10,316) in 2006 to almost 15,000 dollars (€13,574) this year, according to IMF figures.

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