
How to Measure Well-Being and Happiness

A number of nations are attempting to act on proposals presented by the so-called Stiglitz Commission, which was charged with examining the prospects for measuring national wellbeing outside the longstanding context of GDP. At the same time, establishing common indicators to measure happiness has proved daunting. The most promising moves may come from a Franco-German panel that has recommended a ‘dashboard’ of economic and social measurements in an effort to determine the mood of a nation and its people.

A number of nations are attempting to act on proposals presented by the so-called Stiglitz Commission, which was charged with examining the prospects for measuring national wellbeing outside the longstanding context of GDP. At the same time, establishing common indicators to measure happiness has proved daunting. The most promising moves may come from a Franco-German panel that has recommended a ‘dashboard’ of economic and social measurements in an effort to determine the mood of a nation and its people.


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