
The end of the United Kingdom

If it leaves the EU with no deal, the United Kingdom risks upsetting the delicate balance that has held four nations for centuries

The Scottish Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon shakes hands with Prime Minister Boris Johnson in front of Bute House in Edimburgh. REUTERS/Russell Cheyne
The Scottish Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon shakes hands with Prime Minister Boris Johnson in front of Bute House in Edimburgh. REUTERS/Russell Cheyne

If it leaves the EU with no deal, the United Kingdom risks upsetting the delicate balance that has held four nations for centuries

The prestigious rugby tournament known as the “Six nations“, which Italy joined in 2000 and France in 1910, was actually first set up in 1883 as the Home Championships among the four nations of the British Isles: England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales (strictly in alphabetical order). It was thus a competition between all the nationalities that belonged to the United Kingdom, which at the time included the entire island of Ireland, and which to this day sees players from the Irish Republic – an independent state since 1922 – and Northern Ireland, ruled by London, on the same side. This sets it apart from football, where besides the English and Scottish national sides, among the oldest in the world, there is also a Welsh side, and a Northern Irish side that is separate from that of the Irish Republic. While sport is often a mirror of society, in football it represents the current division of the United Kingdom into nations, while in rugby it might prefigure the fate of the British Isles once they leave the EU following a no deal Brexit.

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