
The Italian experiment

Democratic Party and Five Star Movement are engaged in a major step in their evolution and designing their future even by reforming the electoral law

The leader of the Democratic Party, Nicola Zingaretti, heading to the Quirinale to see President Sergio Mattarella about forming a new government. REUTERS/Yara Nardi

Democratic Party and Five Star Movement are engaged in a major step in their evolution and designing their future even by reforming the electoral law

The birth of the sixty-sixth government in seventy two years of republican history was made possible by the creation of a coalition that is almost completely at odds with the previous one, based on an agreement between the following parties: the 5 Star Movement, the Democratic Party and the left wing party Liberi e Uguali as well as a splinter group of the Democratic Party, Italia Viva, a formation led by Matteo Renzi which in the meantime has set itself up as an autonomous parliamentary group.

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