
Like the Isis, Russian Ultra-Orthodox vandalize artworks.

They raided the Manezh in Moscow, where there was an exhibition of contemporary art, and vandalized the works of the sculptor Vadim Sidur, exponent of the Russian Avant-garde. Thrown down from their plinths, trampled and damaged in the name of god. Just like the Isis did in Mosul. But they are protected by the Russian law.

They raided the Manezh in Moscow, where there was an exhibition of contemporary art, and vandalized the works of the sculptor Vadim Sidur, exponent of the Russian Avant-garde. Thrown down from their plinths, trampled and damaged in the name of god. Just like the Isis did in Mosul. But they are protected by the Russian law.

Their leader calls himself Enteo and looks like a Rasputin in color. On his Vkontakte page he has just 3,400 fans. Not so many. But the press across the world is talking about him, and with good reason. Not really because he, with a handful of followers of the Will of God – the Orthodox fundamentalist group founded by him -, raided an exhibition of contemporary art destroying some “blasphemous” works, but mostly because the Moscow court decided not to prosecute him.

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