
Post Covid recovery plan: rethinking EU as a value-based community

From a Coal and Steel Community to a common currency: is Europe going to consolidate a common set of values as well?

In 2018, the Commission put forward a legislation to enhance progress in the implementation of Article 7 and protect European financial interests; today, it seems we have come to a turning point. Since the start of negotiations on the post-Covid recovery plan, the Next Generation EU, the process of framing an official and common resolution plodded along, with the question of conditionality to the rule of law reportedly being the bone of contention. The 17-21 July 2020 Extraordinary European Council Summit – one of the longest in EU history – adopted a conclusion which presented a much more watered-down language regarding rule of law if compared to the Conclusions from the previous day.

The Rule of Law

More recently, on the 5th of November, a clearer agreement between Parliament and Council negotiators was reached, which may initiate a new phase of European integration, focused on achieving of a more democratic and human rights-oriented Europe. In fact, if successfully ratified, the agreement would allow freezing European funds once Member States are in breach of their treaties’ obligations, signalling a renovated push towards deeper integration. It must be noted, however, that the deal must still be formally adopted, and that Poland and Hungary could still block its ratification.

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