
Raising Fears Somali Pirates Menace is Back

A month ago, off the northern Somalia's coast, a group of pirates seized the oil tanker Aris 13 carrying eight sailors of Sri Lanka. The Comoros-flagged tanker owned by the Armi Shipping (Panama & United Arab Emirates-based international company) was heading at the Bosaso port, when had been boarded by two dozen armed men, who less than forty-eight hours after has abandoned it and unconditionally released the entire crew.

A maritime policeman guarded an oil tanker after its release. Photo Credit Abdiqani Hassan/Reuters

A month ago, off the northern Somalia’s coast, a group of pirates seized the oil tanker Aris 13 carrying eight sailors of Sri Lanka. The Comoros-flagged tanker owned by the Armi Shipping (Panama & United Arab Emirates-based international company) was heading at the Bosaso port, when had been boarded by two dozen armed men, who less than forty-eight hours after has abandoned it and unconditionally released the entire crew.

Although the story has had a positive outcome, has caused uproar because it was the first hijacking of a commercial vessel in the area since 2012. And everything seemed to predict that it would not remain an isolated event, but the first of a new series of attacks.

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