
Home Prodotti East 59 – Micracle in Milan – PDF English Issue

East 59
Micracle in Milan
PDF English Issue




The new issue of  East is at newsagents, bookshops and available in digital format from May 1st. 


Feeding the Plant, Energy for Life, is an exercise in global citizenship now taking place in Milan.
But it is also an Expo for Business, a unique opportunity for business matching. The economic repercussions of the Universal Expo. 


Not united yet hardly divided, the parallel action of Merkel/Draghi is making headway and SuperMario’s political stature is on the rise. 
The United Kingdom, currently lacking a centre of gravity, could be facing electoral fragmentation. 
On the Russian Rollercoaster, Ukraine is rushing headlong towards bankruptcy like a moth to a lightbulb and despite the rouble’s troubles Putin’s reputation soars. 
While the Greek double act seems to be going nowhere fast, the fearful question is ‘what if they returned…?’ (meaning national currencies). 


The new diplomacy and digital intelligence are relying on narrative, an appealing form of counter-information to defuse jihadist propaganda on the web.
But it’s not that easy, Boko Haram: Islamic terror or tribal insurgence?
In a time of transition, although Twiplomacy has joined the fight, Saudi oil and Kurdish Kalashnikovs aren’t leaving the fray. 


An online survey covering six different geographical areas revises the current image of Italy in the world. More appreciated in the East than in Europe. The Russians love it, the English are lukewarm. Asians and Americans are enchanted, the Great Beauty strikes again, but its critics won’t be hoodwinked. 

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