Eastwest 106
Europe swings right
EUROPE SWINGS RIGHT – The nationalist and sovereignist forces have failed to subvert the traditional centrist and pro-EU majority in the European Chamber but the new three-headed majority has reduced margins.
FOCUS: THE ARMS RACE – The war in Ukraine had the impact of a global war, all NATO countries increased military funding by at least 30%. The arms race has affected all continents, a global trend, both for conventional and nuclear weapons.
TURKEY: THE GEOPOLITICS OF GAS – The geopolitical context seems propitious for activating a new supply of gas from Central Asia to Europe, exploiting Turkey’s potential as a distribution power. Ankara has become aware of its energy potential and the possibility of decisively influencing regional balances (and beyond).
ISRAEL: WHEN STRENGTH IS NOT ENOUGH – The strongman has failed, the country is against Netanyahu. It is a period of extreme changes, reflections and course readjustments for Israel, which must rethink priorities, alliances and strategies, both internally and in international relations.
INDIA: HOW CAN A LEADER “CHOSEN BY GOD” BE DEFEATED? – The voters cannot be taken for granted and in fact the largest democracy in the world has given a clear answer to Modi, who with his party has lost the majority and will only be able to govern thanks to broad alliances.