
What’s going on in Sri Lanka?

Three years after a terrorist assault that was deemed one of the world's most horrific disasters, Sri Lanka is once again facing a deep crisis and widespread instability

Recent events in Sri Lanka reminded the population of the challenge of achieving long-term peace in a country that doesn’t seem to understand what peace is. Three years ago, on Easter Sunday, Colombo, Sri Lanka’s capital was devastated by a series of suicide bombings that targeted three churches during religious services and three luxury hotels. Over 350 people have been killed and over 500 have been injured. Three years after a terrorist assault that was deemed one of the world’s most horrific disasters, Sri Lanka is once again facing a deep crisis and widespread instability.

The effects of Covid-19 and the war in Ukraine on Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is a south Indian country with a population of roughly 22 million people that gained independence from the United Kingdom in 1948. Both domestic and international factors are dragging the country to its knees today. The Covid-19 pandemic is clearly one among them, especially when considering that tourism is one of the country’s primary sources of revenue, which is, understandably, damaged by the pandemic. Furthermore, the rise in energy, food, and raw material prices, aggravated by the present conflict in Ukraine, has undoubtedly inflicted another devastating blow to the system. Sri Lanka is indeed one of the first ‘victims’ of the global economy’s economic consequences following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

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