
What the future holds: attack on Taiwan?

After the virtual meeting between Biden and Xi, there seems to be hope for a nonconfrontational relationship between the two most powerful countries on Earth. But the issue of Taiwan is an explosive problem with no clear solution in sight

The virtual meeting on November 15th between President Joe Biden and President Xi Jinping came as a rainy day in the dry season. Up until that moment, the US-China relationship was at an all-time low. After the years of Trump’s administration, the relationship did not exactly restart on the right foot as Biden took office: the talks in Anchorage amounted in not much more than an insults and threatens exchange, the NATO communiqué following the meeting of the North Atlantic Council in Brussels on June 14th said that “China’s stated ambitions and assertive behaviour present systemic challenges to the rules-based international order and to areas relevant to Alliance security” and the new AUKUS agreement was seen as a measure to counter China in the Pacific (rightly so).

But cooler heads can prevail and there seem to be space for cooperation between the two nations, as the Joint Glasgow Declaration on Enhancing Climate Action showed on November 10th. The two Presidents remarks before the virtual meeting were extremely amicable: Biden started off remembering the many hours the two men spent together when they were both Vice-Presidents of their country, travelling through China, while Xi Jinping referred to Biden as his “old friend”. According to the readouts of the meeting, the two leaders had a straightforward conversation, that lasted more than three hours, about many topics, ranging from trade to climate change and human rights issues. The main idea that both parties wanted to make clear is that, regardless of their differences, their relation can be a competition, but should never degenerate to the point of conflict.

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