
Who runs the big investment funds

The funds’ governing bodies must counter mistrust, egoism and corruption by guaranteeing transparency, security and equal opportunity.

Demonstrators in front of the offices of a hedge fund in New York. Following the global financial crisis most citizens no longer trust the finance sector and sovereign funds are no exception. REUTERS/BRENDAN MCDERMID/CONTRASTO

The funds’ governing bodies must counter mistrust, egoism and corruption by guaranteeing transparency, security and equal opportunity.

At first glance, the question of how to govern sovereign wealth funds seems to have an easy answer: a government should use the money derived from its country’s reserves to invest for the long-term benefit of its citizens. The guiding principles of this process should be social and environmental sustainability, a responsible balance between returns and risk management, and informed investment decisions aimed at diversification. When large sums of money and national politics intersect, however, things tend to be more complicated.

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