
Constructive consent

Macron’s European Renaissance has found a partner: the Ecolòs, who add a more far-sighted approach to En Marche’s muscular pro-Europeanism

French President Emmanuel Macron delivers a speech. Christophe Petit Tesson/Pool via REUTERS

Macron’s European Renaissance has found a partner: the Ecolòs, who add a more far-sighted approach to En Marche’s muscular pro-Europeanism

The European elections in France marked a reversal compared to the 2017 presidential elections, but Emmanuel Macron has done all he can to ensure that his defeat went unnoticed, with some success. Marine Le Pen’s party, which now goes by the name of Rassemblement National or National Grouping, beat Macron’s team, la République en Marche, by a whisker, the gap a mere 0.9%. Small but significant, if one considers that this is the country that is supposed to head the so called “European Renaissance”, which is Macron’s baby in the first place. Despite the initial, bombastic announcements by Le Pen – the president should resign! – the Rassemblement hasn’t secured any great advantage from its victory: although this and other parties, with the League in Italy in the forefront, have been very successful in their own countries, on a European level they don’t and won’t have  much a of a chance of making a difference. The sovereigntist alliance is still in its infancy, but even if it manages to create a unity that doesn’t look to be on the cards – nationalism hasn’t yet come up with a supranational version, least of all in Europe – it will still be a minority within the EuroParliament which is for the most part pro-European.

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