
The League’s skew whiff leadership

The complex interactions between the European Union and the Italian League. An analysis of the anti- European narrative promoted by Matteo Salvini

Matteo Salvini during his press conference following the European elections in May. REUTERS/Alessandro Garofalo/Contrast

The complex interactions between the European Union and the Italian League. An analysis of the anti- European narrative promoted by Matteo Salvini

It was a typically mild French afternoon in mid July, in stark contrast to the usual Roman heat. In Strasbourg, the European parliament was about to vote on the commission president put up for election by the European Commission, the German Ursula von der Leyen. Less than an hour before the secret vote and the League, the Italian winner of the European elections in May, was at a crucial crossroads. Matteo Salvini’s party still hasn’t decided whether to back or reject the German defence minister, unknown to most until a couple of weeks earlier and whose majority depended on just a handful of votes.

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