
Europe for Europeans

Interview with the president of the European Parliament, David Sassoli: the responsibility for addressing the challenge posed by sovereigntism and nationalism must be faced together with the citizens, as were the elections

Interview with the president of the European Parliament, David Sassoli: the responsibility for addressing the challenge posed by sovereigntism and nationalism must be faced together with the citizens, as were the elections

On the 3rd of June David Maria Sassoli (Florence, 1956) was appointed president of the European Parliament, of which he had been vice-President since 2014. Sassoli is a journalist. He wrote for a number of newspapers until 1992 when he started working for RAI, the Italian Public Television Network, as a reporter for the Tg3 News. In 2006 he became the Deputy Head of the Tg1 News. His political career began in 2009, with his election to the European Parliament with the Italian Democratic Party of which he became the delegation leader within the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats.

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