
The Covid-19 has arrived in Africa and no one is ready

Coronavirus: in Africa the daily subsistence is under threat. In a continent where every year people die from AIDS, respiratory diseases and malaria, the response to COVID-19 must be different

Coronavirus, Africa: the daily subsistence is under threatHistory repeats itself, once again. The Covid-19 has arrived in Africa and no one is ready. This time the threat to the black continent does not come in the form of vessels and conquistadores, but its effect will be equally catastrophic.

After believing for months that Africa could remain untouched by the spread of the pandemic, from Senegal to Tanzania, all the way to South Africa, the first swabs began to show positivity, first among foreign workers and then among Africans. A professor at the University of Rwanda, knows the situation well: “In Congo if you don’t go out of your house you don’t eat, and in Ethiopia a colleague was told to leave the country, she works in the north, where social uprisings are to be feared”. In a continent where every year 1 million people die from AIDS, another 1 million from respiratory diseases and 500,000 from malaria, will Covid-19 be the coup de grâce or will it simply be part of the list?

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