
Coronavirus, there is no conspiracy!

Conspiracy theories are fruit of an emotional, irrational approach to current problems. Let us reinstate reason over fear

“Country you go, conspiracy you find”. While scientists around the world seem to agree that the virus that caused the current pandemic is of natural origin, uncertainty about the ways humans contracted Covid-19 has left room for global growth in disinformation.

In Italy, a 2015 TGR Leonardo news report went viral, referring to an article published in the scientific journal Nature Medicine, discussed a research carried out in China, in which a type of coronavirus was created in the laboratory. Although the same magazine has specified that the most probable origin of the coronavirus, which triggered the rise of the current pandemic is rather an animal, the video bounced on the social bulletin boards over half the peninsula, leading many to believe that, behind the spread of the virus, was a plot of the Chinese government.

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