
Coronavirus, South Korea and Japan: how did they react to the pandemic?

Coronavirus, South Korea and Japan react differently to the pandemic. If Seoul surprised everyone, Tokyo confirmed its bureaucratic immobility

In the mid of February, South Korea (with a population of 51 million inhabitants) appeared very near to an unprecedented health cataclysm. Coronavirus’ cases were rising daily, with a number of outbreaks that were feared to cause a collapse of the health system. When the virus had still not put in knee the world, South Korea presented the major number of cases outside China.

However, at the beginnings of May, South Korea had 1,086 cases in total, 9,333 healed patients, and 255 deceased. Daily life was beginning to start again normally, after several weeks of social distancing, teleworking, closed public spaces. The prompt decision to establish, in the whole country, a system of diffused tests, marking contacts and hospitalizing patients since the first symptoms has payed off.

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