
East 61

EAST-WEST Irresponsible populisms

Zero tolerance towards nationalist populisms and low-budget demagoguery.


In China they call them fuerdai, literally speaking “the second-generation rich”. they are young and hugely wealthy, the sons of the businessmen who partook of the Chinese economic boom. Cars, luxury holidays, clothes, watches and especially high-tech gadgets.The fuerdai show off their status on the social networks (especially Weibo, the Chinese Instagram) and are truly hooked on the internet, spending at least 14 hours a day on the web. A social phenomenon that has got even President Xi Jinping worried. He has invited their parents to teach them the value of the money they flaunt so brazenly. If you want to read it all, purchase the entire issue in pdf for just three euro  

POINT OF VIEW – That Holy Alliance wasn’t that bad after all…

The Yalta accords no longer hold water, so maybe a pact like the Holy Alliance could rebuild stability and security.

Elections thirty years on

The elections in Spain and Portugal: reconsidering the EU’s objectives and thoughts on a democratic regeneration of Europe.

FRONT PAGE – Wars in Europe

During the Great Depression that began in 1929, several countries abandoned the gold standard (including the UK), while others, such as France, remained anchored to it. This led to a collapse of international trade, which amplified and prolonged the effects of the US crisis. The lesson we should have learned is that national responses to global crises are ineffective and can be highly destabilizing, and in the case in point were partially responsible for the climate that led to the outbreak of the disastrous Second World War.



Climate Migration: Global Pressures and Responses

AfCFTA: African Internal Trade Awakening

Food System and Migration

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