

Guangzhou: the developing model of the emerging countries’ global cities

The growing relationship between China and the developing world is creating a parallel globalisation animated by those countries that are not included in the western-led one

Algeria is expected to become Italy’s top gas supplier

Last Monday the Italian government signed an agreement with the Algerian government to increase the supply of natural gas starting from the next months. What are the possible implications of this agreement within the Mediterranean area?

The tunisian crisis between populism and authoritarianism

In order to understand the current institutional and democratic crisis in Tunisia, it is necessary to trace a few steps back

Tunisia, the road to democracy. Scars from the past and path for the future

Back from a Study Mission organized by the Eastwest European Institute, a group of students report on Tunisia today

The end of the African Union Mission to Somalia

The African Union Mission to Somalia is coming to an end. This reminds of the withdrawal of NATO in Afghanistan which resulted in the take-over of the Taliban. However, lessons can be learned from the Afghanistan operations

East Africa looking for new or used clothes

Getting dressed in Africa, particularly in the eastern states, has never been easy for ordinary people. After ban on second-hand clothes, to dress properly has became more and more difficult

Coup d’etat in Chad: what will happen now?

After the death of the historic Chad’s President Idriss Deby, the situation has become even more unstable. What future for the country?

Mozambique: Frelimo lost its gas gamble

The Frelimo leadership bet the country on the dream, that the gas bonanza would benefit everyone by 2020. But last week it lost


Environmental Sustainability Within Private Companies

Environmental Sustainability Within Private Companies

Singapore: Who Is Lawrence Wong

Brazil Suffers From Climate Change

Xi Jinping: The Trip To Europe

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