

Brazil Suffers From Climate Change

The state of Rio Grande do Sul hit by extreme climate events: 90 victims, 200,000 displaced after a week of rain in one of the most productive areas of the country. Lula prepares reconstruction and reaffirms commitment against climate change.

The Universities Against Milei: The Hot Autumn of Protests Begins in Buenos Aires

Thousands take to the streets in Argentina to defend the national university system, under attack due to the spending cuts imposed by the Milei government. Even pensioners and workers on a war footing. New general strike on May 9th.

China/USA: A Stable Disagreement

Antony Blinken returns to China less than a year after his June visit. There are many divisive dossiers including the US ban on TikTok and aid to Taiwan. But it remains important that they continue to dialogue to responsibly manage a relationship that is crucial for global balances

Colombia: Former President Uribe in The Dock. But Social Peace is still Far Away

Former Colombian president Álvaro Uribe Vélez will be tried for bribery and witness manipulation in a case that has been ongoing since 2012 over links between his government and paramilitarism. However, the prosecutor’s decision comes at a very delicate moment in President Petro’s pacification plan.

The Cuban bloqueo: is it time to let it go?

The embargo against Cuba has now been lasting for 62 years, it has now become a matter of principles whose ultimate victims are simply the Cuban people.

Brazil, Lula might be back. Will his foreign policy be different?

It is highly likely that Lula will cooperate with the US on issues such as climate change and democracy-building, without neglecting the trade and financial benefits he might receive from China

The foreign policy of Bolsonaro in the context of the coming elections

The institutional breakdown could hamper the possibility of Brazil to cooperate internationally with the region and beyond on key areas such as climate change, trade security and democracy-building

Chile after the constitutional referendum

The nation’s long democratic transition continues into an uncertain open

The US and China on the path to economic decoupling

The process is not irreversible and it won’t be quick, but it might lead to a very different world: more divided, more politically unstable and more expensive

Chile’s “rechazo”: the reasons behind it and the consequences for Boric

The document submitted for popular referendum on September 4th has proven to be too radical. Chileans want change, but they want a more moderate one than that proposed by the new constitution


Environmental Sustainability Within Private Companies

Environmental Sustainability Within Private Companies

Singapore: Who Is Lawrence Wong

Brazil Suffers From Climate Change

Xi Jinping: The Trip To Europe

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