

Why Biden’s trip to the Middle East has failed

Joe Biden’s first presidential trip to the Middle East did not bring the hoped-for outcomes, at least for the White House. Rather, Saudi Arabia has been benefited and can now flaunt the Kingdom’s centrality in the region

AUKUS: friends and nuclear submarines

The launch of the trilateral pact called AUKUS is a gigantic development in the Indo-Pacific area, but it has deeply irritated China and France and it sets a dangerous precedent for the Treaty of Non-Proliferation

US-Mexico border: Biden under pressure

In the eyes of the Administration, the current issue at the US-Mexico border is dire. But the President’s own party is not squarely behind him

The US-China-Russia crossfire

After Biden’s elections there is a widespread expectation for an American foreign policy more characterized by diplomacy and dialogue. But for now, a multilateral approach is highly unlikely


Environmental Sustainability Within Private Companies

Environmental Sustainability Within Private Companies

Singapore: Who Is Lawrence Wong

Brazil Suffers From Climate Change

Xi Jinping: The Trip To Europe

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